Logo Oro Caffè, dal 1987 la Torrefazione artigianale di qualità

About us



It was 1987 when Stefano Toppano and Chiara De Nipoti, thanks to a series of incidental circumstances, took over a very small roasting and tasting facility in the province of Udine selling to a private clientele only. While Stefano starts the activity with a small 30 kg coffee roasting machine, thanks to the teachings of a great master roaster, Alceo, also taking care of the commercial side, Chiara carries out the administrative tasks and puts her tasting skills to the test, personally selecting the best qualities of Arabica and Robusta coffee from all over the world. This leads to the business entering the Ho.Re.Ca. sector.


Finito il loro percorso di studi, le due figlie Elisa e Ketty, da sempre testimoni dirette dello sviluppo degli ultimi 30 anni di ORO CAFFÈ oggi sono parte attiva dell’azienda di famiglia, ricoprendo Elisa il ruolo di Marketing Manager e Ketty quello di Direttrice Operativa.
ORO CAFFÈ utilizza impianti di torrefazione tecnologicamente avanzati, completamente automatizzati e di profilo green in uno stabilimento all’avanguardia di oltre 2.400 mq inaugurato nel 2009, dotato di impianto fotovoltaico capace di reimmettere in rete quasi 100 kw di esubero al giorno.



Today, ORO Caffè can boast a headcount of 50 employees and a production capacity of 6,000 kg of roasted coffee a day with the current 240 kg roaster. By carefully selecting, roasting and blending, Stefano and Chiara have created a harmonious style, renowned for its perfect balance. Over the years, the original recipe has been continuously enhanced, resulting in a blend of great elegance and finesse, without neglecting a constant high-quality standard.

> ORO Caffè operates in the Ho.Re.Ca trade channel supplying a wide range of coffee blends and single-origin coffee beans, accessories and customized services throughout the Italian market.

Stefano and Chiara’s daughters, Elisa and Ketty, who have been direct witnesses of the evolution of ORO CAFFÈ over the last 30 years, completed their studies and are now an active part of the family business, with Elisa as Marketing Manager and Ketty as Operative Director.
ORO CAFFÈ uses technologically advanced fully automated roasting systems with a green profile in an avant-garde facility of over 2,400 square meters that was inaugurated in 2009. The facility is equipped with a photovoltaic system producing almost 100 kW of extra energy per day, which is ploughed back into the network.

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Costumers in Italy

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Countries around the world

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Hours per year selecting coffee

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Trained baristas every year


The Coffee beans of our history


1987: nascita della Torrefazione | Oro Caffè

oro caffe' is born

Chiara and Stefano take over a small roasting facility and create the ORO Caffè brand.


Storia: partecipazione a fiere internazionali | Oro Caffè

Internazional fairs

The ORO Caffè quality is promoted at the main international fairs.



Storia: nuova sede | Oro Caffè

the new headquarters

ORO Caffè opens its new headquarters that comply with high environmental sustainability standards.


Storia: apertura filiale in Canada | Oro Caffè

The Canada branch

ORO Caffè opens a new branch in Toronto, Canada.


Storia: nasce Adoro caffè | Oro Caffè

the adoro caffe'

The ADORO CAFÈ coffee shop chain is set up where you can experience the pleasure of tasting. The chain was created to spread coffee culture.


Storia: apertura filiale in Germania | Oro Caffè

The german branch

ORO Caffè opens a branch in Munich, Germany.



Confezione doppia di caffè macinato venduta per la GDO | Oro Caffè

Oro Caffè lands in large-scale distribution

Oro Caffè lands in large-scale distribution: for the first time in its history it will be present in the points of sale of some of the main supermarket chains in the Triveneto area


Foto con la famiglia | Oro Caffè

the italian coffee safeguard

The ORO CAFFÈ artisan roasting company is a founding member of the “Consortium for the protection of traditional Italian espresso”.

Oro Caffè

Mission & Vision

Icona drupa caffè sull'albero dx | Oro Caffè
icona drupa di caffè sull'albero | Oro Caffè
Tazzine Oro Caffè | Oro Caffè
Icona chiara Espresso | Oro Caffè

Coffee awareness

Spreading the knowledge of coffee, creating a conscious consumer who knows how to recognize and appreciate all the qualities of a great espresso.

Icona macina Caffè | Oro Caffè

Techniques spreading

Quality alone is not enough without the same commitment in passing on the techniques to enhance the characteristics of selected coffee blends to our baristas, because only if preparation is mastered to a fine art, can the best be brought out in a coffee.

Icona sacchetto di Caffè in grani | Oro Caffè

Quality research

The quality would not be enough if we did not work with the same commitment to transmit to our baristas the techniques to enhance the characteristics of the selected coffee blends, because only if treated in a workmanlike manner can they give their best.

Icona grani di Caffè tostati | Oro caffè

Coffee culture spreading

Our aim is to be able to contribute decisively to a better diffusion of the espresso culture around the world.